
An innovative scaffold for advanced periodontitis in dogs.

ReGum™ Vet is a biodegradable scaffold composed of foamed cross-linked gelatin. Once reconstituted, it regains its elastic properties and is well placed into the periodontal defect. ReGum™ Vet fills and supports the defect, providing a framework for tissue repair. It is resorbed and replaced with the tissue during the healing process.

tissue repair in canine periodontitis

The CellFoam™ Technology (SEM)

CellFoam™ is crafted from natural materials, ensuring it is both biocompatible and biodegradable. As a matrix of crosslinked gelatin, it is designed as a foam to ensure a highly porous structure.

ReGum™ Vet is a ready-to-use, biodegradable 3-dimensional dry foam for the filling and augmentation of periodontal defects. It provides a three-dimensional growth space for cells and is resorbed and replaced with tissue during the healing process.

It comes in a conic shape and a flat square shape.

4 Simple Steps:

Soak ReGum ™

Soak ReGum™ Vet
to reconstitute elasticity

Trim ReGum ™

Trim ReGum™ Vet
to fit surgical site

Place ReGum ™

Place ReGum™ Vet
in the surgical site

Close surgical site

Close the surgical site

*It is recommended to read the instruction for use for complete information.

Dr. Ana Nemec

Dr. Ana Nemec DVM, PhD, Dipl. AVDC, Dipl. EVDC, Assist. prof. Primary investigator of the clinical study.

We optimized this innovative product to best serve our canine patients and colleague-Veterinarians. Also, with our clinical research team we later scientifically proved that the addition of the ReGum™ Vet is superior to standard open periodontal therapy alone in periodontal tissue repair in dogs with naturally occurring periodontitis.

Dr. Jen Mathis

Dr. Jen Mathis DAVDC Board Certified-Veterinary Dentist and Oral Surgeon

Many practices assume that having dental radiography will lead to saving more teeth, but often it results in discovering more disease and extracting more teeth. This is where ReGum™ Vet makes a difference – it enables us to preserve more teeth than we could before.

Frequently Asked Questions

Periodontal disease can result in tooth loss, which is particularly problematic for dogs, as their teeth serve a similar function to human fingers. Therefore, preventing tooth extraction is crucial, as it can severely impair your pet's ability to function. Moreover, unhealthy gums create a gateway for bacteria and germs to enter the bloodstream, affecting both pets and humans. If left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to serious health complications not only in the mouth but throughout the entire body. These complications may include eye problems, increased risk of organ damage, jaw fractures, oral cancer, oronasal fistulas, and tooth abscesses. Clinical research also indicates a connection between untreated periodontitis and an increased risk of cardiovascular, kidney, and liver diseases.

ReGum™ Vet is biodegradable, thus, there is no need for product removal. It is resorbed and replaced with tissue during the healing process.

No. Owners should follow standard instructions after the dental procedure.

Anesthesia is standard care for periodontal procedures.

No special need, however, please consult with your-Veterinarian.